Sunday, February 8, 2009

Farming II

Too much grass. Gary is wondering if he needs to do more tilling.
Preparing the beds.

Time for a "farmer" pose. Note: I am following in my grandfather's tradition of not buttoning the side of my overalls. Or maybe I can't button my overalls!

Fertilizing the beds before planting.

Once everything was tilled, we needed to make and fertilize the beds. I hope the fertilizing helps given that it was $14 a bag. All in all, we prepared 4 rows and planted onions, radishes, turnip greens, potatoes, and cabbage. We need to at least make back our $33 investment in seed, bulbs, and fertilizer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is your sister.....I loved the phot's a the and comments about the, garden. But u didn't get any photo's of me helping hold the bucket of potato's that you andG Gary were planting. Oh, thats right...u were on ur knees covering them up with ur hands. Ha!