Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter is on the way

I can tell it is time for Easter when I see these flowers. They always make me think of Easter and fond memories of Clifton, Virginia. These flowers are growing right outside our side door. They are really pretty.

I spent my younger years growing up all over the place, or at least it seems like it. We didn't stay in one place too long. My fondest memories of childhood are of the home we lived in at Clifton, Virginia and the special times we had there. Our family was close and I met my three wonderful brothers when we were living there. I can not see these flowers without thinking of Clifton and the flowers there. We had some like these planted along the side of the house and in the pictures below you can just make out the daffodils planted along the drive way. It was a great place and has left me with many wonderful family memories.

For some reason all family Easter pictures seem to be taken with us facing the sun. We have more of a grimace than a smile.
In case you can't tell this is my sister Sherry, my younger brother Paul, me, and my younger sister Tammy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What incredible memories !
