Sunday, March 27, 2011

Texas Field Trip

Another Seaweed Collection Trip to Texas. Yes, I got soaked on more than one occasion, but the water was not really cold
I love live oaks. I wish we had them around here.
Debbie standing in front of a 44' tall, 1,000 year old live oak measuring 35' in circumference with a crown spread of 89'. Simple called "The Tree" located on Goose Island just outside of Corpus Christi. Naturally, I had to pick up a few acorns from this tree that fallen to the ground.
I got lots of pics of this Inca Dove among the blue bonnets which were in full bloom all over Texas.
While hunting for my seaweed look what I nearly stepped on. . . a Portuguese man of war (YIKES!). Beautiful, but painful.
Blue Bonnets

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