December 7th, 1941 is a date that I hope is never forgotten. As we sadly loose more and more of the members of that greatest of generations, let's not forget their contributions and sacrifices that made this country great. Sadly, it seems that every generation since has taken for granted and even abused the freedoms that have been handed them. Like many, I mistakenly thought that September 11th, 2001 would be this generation's "Pearl Harbor" and it would serve to revive a sense of national unity and pride, but it seems those feelings were fleeting and superficial. We are so busy celebrating and emphasizing diversity that we no longer have a sense of national unity. We are so involved in preserving and promoting our individuality that we no longer have a national identity. America is no longer the great melting pot, instead we have become a mixing pot. People want to live in America, but do not want to be Americans. What will it take to bring this nation back to its feet? Will there be another great generation in this nation? I pray so.
Preach it, Uncle Troy!! AMEN!
That is deep...but so true. Thanks for reminding us of how fortunate we are.
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