It even snowed Christmas Eve leaving a dusting of white stuff on the grass and cars, nothing major. Unfortunately, it has been a bitter/sweet holiday and in many ways just did not seem like Christmas. To begin with Adam and his family were missing, but should be here in less than two weeks. However, we were able to visit via web cam which was really neat and we hope to take advantage of the technology to see more of them throughout the year.
But most of all, Dad's untimely admission into the hospital Christmas Eve night and the strong possibility of him never returning home did much to dampen spirits throughout our family. We are back to taking shifts at the hospital being with Dad around the clock. Ultimately, we know Dad is on the verge of taking that final journey to a much better place thanks to the Christ child that was sent to this earth to die for the sins of all mankind. My father accepted by faith that gift of salvation long ago and looks forward to an eternity with God. We comfort one another in this knowledge, but are not immune from the sadness of loosing him from our lives. Continue to be in prayer for us during these difficult times, particularly my mother.
I love and miss you all so much. I think of my Arkansas family more than you will ever know. My prayers and thoughts are with you, and I will see you soom.
Thinking of you guys!
With Love,
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