Saturday Troy and I went to Brayden's Little Gym class for his final class and open house. I ran off and forgot the camera so I had to use the camera on my iphone. I am still trying to get the hang of it and Brayden did not make this an easy task. These pictures are so blurry, but whether it was trying to capture a moving target or my serious lack of photography skills who can tell? Anyway we had a great time and hopefully the blurry pictures emphasize the energy this young man has. He was all over the room. He had a blast.
He bounced..

He jumped..

He balanced..

He climbed..

He balanced some more..

Finishing off by awarding hisself a medal and turning his back on me and the metal before I could snap the picture.
Afterwards we went out for brunch at a local restaurant and he was still wanting to climb.
The pictures may be blurry but the memory will be all too clear in our hearts and our minds for all time.
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