From: Miles, Vernon
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:12 PM
To: Faculty (For official University use ); Staff (For official University use only)
Subject: Faculty Awards
Friends and Colleagues,
Please join me in congratulating the recipients of the Faculty Excellence Awards listed below. Our faculty make HSU what it is, and we cannot be reminded of this quite often enough. Let’s all let this serve as one of many reminders of the wonderful things we do for our students day after day, semester after semester.
Excellence in Scholarly or Creative Activity
Teachers College, Henderson Dr. Lonnie McDonald
School of Business Dr. Frank Smith
Ellis College of Arts and Sciences
Liberal Arts Dr. Angela Boswell
Fine Arts Dr. Randy Duncan
Science and Mathematics Dr. Troy Bray
Outstanding New Faculty Member Dr. Troy Bray
These individuals will be recognized at our Founder’s Day celebration on October 1st, so if you have not had an opportunity to congratulate each before then, you certainly will on that auspicious day.
Dr. Engman is the chair of the biology department
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:42 PM
To: Biology
Subject: FW: Faculty Awards
Please also join me in congratulating Troy on receiving the TWO awards listed above. Personally, I could not be any happier. He is incredibly deserving, as he has worked so hard since the day he crossed our doorstep. Actually, I guess he has crossed our doorstep more than once, but both times – as a student and then as a faculty member – he has impressed us. He has put a great deal of time, and effort (and money L) into giving our cell and genetics courses the benefit of his training. He is continuing to make improvements on the lab work in those classes, introducing our students to a wider variety of modern tools. He has published regularly in his time here. He has also served the university very well, both on and off campus. I especially appreciate his work in the ERZ program. He is exactly what Henderson had in mind when these awards were established. We all know that those first few years as a new faculty member can be stressful and tiring; just surviving is an accomplishment. Flourishing like this is truly a laudable achievement. We, and our students, are very lucky to have him.
Congratulations, Troy!
This first picture is the recieving of the Excellence in Scholarly or Creativity Activity Award. One award is given in each school within the college.
These two pictures are the receiving of the Oustanding New Faculty Member Award. One award is given over the entire college.
We love you and could not be more proud of you. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Uncle Troy! I am proud of you!!
Congrats, dad! Glad we could be there to share in your accomplishments being recognized...we are so proud of you!
Congratulations, Troy! What a wonderful honor!
Jim and I are both so proud of you and your success. Congratulations!
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