A wise old owl sat in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard,
Now wasn't he a wise old bird?

Here is a Barred Owl (
Strix varia) that took me by surprise today as he looked calmly down upon me. I got lots of pics from different angles and even caught him blinking (see first pic).
Hi Debbie & Troy.........I just wanted to let you know how much we enjoy all your bird pictures. I am amazed at how clear and beautiful they are. Keep them coming....their beauty sure does bring peace to your soul. Thanks for posting them.
Thanks for the encouraging words; I am really glad you enjoy them because I sure enjoy watching and photographing the birds. I agree with you, birds are very comforting and beautiful to watch. I am considering starting a new blog just for the bird pics.
This was my favorite in the series of pics you two took.
You guys take such WONDERFUL pictures !
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