The pictures above are from one of our nature walks. The top picture is of bracket fungi and the second picture is what is commonly called "reindeer moss" (
Cladonia sp.) although it is not a moss at all. It got its name from the fact that way up north reindeer and caribou will dig down in the snow to find this fungus (really a lichen which is a fungi and an algae) and eat it to survive. The bottom two pictures were taken last Sunday as Adam and I were headed to the driving range at the DeGray Golf course. As they are doing everywhere else, these Canadian geese (
Branta canadensis) are slowly, but surely taking over the golf course.
Uncle Troy, will you PLEASE considering moving to Virginia Beach and taking my children on nature walks? Please? How are they supposed to enjoying nature when I scream at every crawly thing that goes past? I have yet to start planning science next year. The birds I can handle, but the bugs.... {shudder}
Find me a place to teach up there and I would
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