Sunday, December 21, 2008

Eye sight

This year will be remembered as the Christmas of the "big screen & the empty house." This will be the first Christmas Debbie and I have celebrated without kids in the house in a very long time. It certainly takes the air out of Christmas; we haven't even put up a tree, a wreath, a string of lights, or even one strand of tensil. And with my weight being what it is, I will not even be able to enjoy the food & candies this year either. I feel like the Scrooge's tight, grumpy uncle. Hopefully, next year things will be different with grandkids here and on the way. It will be a necessity to decorate for them. They should put the air back into the holiday season.
As for our presents to one another, we have already exchanged. Debbie got the big, flat screen TV for the bedroom and I got the big screen monitor for the computer. I don't know that either were as much a luxury as they were a necessity. Both of us are loosing our eyesight; I am already up to trifocals causing me to walk around all day looking like I am nodding to everyone (you have to wear at least bifocals to get my meaning). The big screens help out a whole bunch.

1 comment:

Tab said...

Yay! How exciting :-) And yes...I agree, next year should be a lot of fun w/ new family around ;-)