Having failed to find the seaweed I went to the Gulf to collect, I was forced to cut across Florida and search for it on the Atlantic coast (and yes I did find it there). Here are a few pics of the St. Augustine and Daytona Beach area. I plan on attending a seaweed conference back in this area at the end of October. I hope the hurricanes are all gone by then.
Seaweed Convention, huh? I bet locals will be busting down the doors to get in there;)
Seaweed Convention? Ummm.... why? :)
Troy has his PhD in Plant Biology. That is not exactly the right title, but he did all his research and publications on a particular type of seaweed. They discovered a new species and it has a long technical name and Bray is in the name. Kinda cool even if I am not a seaweed fan. All our vacations to the coast are planned around the tide :) Troy looks for seaweed and the rest of us play in the water. We are very proud of him. He teaches Genetics and Cell Biology, etc. at Henderson State University. He is their DNA expert.
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