Saturday, May 30, 2009
Solicitation of Prayers

Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Good Night's Sleep
Troy and I both have bulging discs in our backs and have had trouble sleeping for so long we can't remember getting a really good night's sleep. Part of that just comes from getting older, but we have finally done all we can to help get a good night's rest which we both need. A new bed has been on our list for quite some time and we finally saved up enough to go out and get one. I am so excited about it. We got a King size Serta True Form or something like that. Anyway it is one that is firm and has an air flow system in it to keep me from getting too hot (hope, hope). We finished it off with the companion True Form pillows and a hypo-allergenic (for me again) comforter. It is a type of synthetic down comforter. I can't wait to try out my new bed. It is almost like the night before Christmas when you want to go to bed at noon so Santa will come sooner. God is so good to us.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Brody!

Yesterday, May 24, 2009, Brody turned 1 year old. We don't have an recent pictures of him yet and we were unable to attend his birthday party. He lives in New Hampshire and we miss them very much. So much of his life has past already it seems and we have missed it. It saddens us we are unable to participate in his growing up, but it helps to know Adam and his family are happy with their lives in New Hampshire. Happy Birthday Brody, we love you and miss you all very much.
Memorial Day

What is Memorial Day? For some in this country, it is the day that marks the beginning of the commercial days of summer; for others it is just another three day weekend to partake in holiday travel, picnics, water sports, a round of golf, or the beginning of the summer shopping season. But for the Civil War Confederate widows of May 1866, this day meant something a little more solemn. So moving was their tribute to their fallen husbands, fathers, and sons that a hymn was written by Nella Sweet in 1867 entitled, "Kneel where our Loved Ones are Sleeping" dedicated "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead." This observance (also known as "Decoration Day") soon spread until it was made official by General John A. Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, who ordered flowers to be placed on both the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers in Arlington Cemetery May 30, 1868. Despite the almost sacred origin of this day, we had a group so full of hate and ignorance (60 professors among them, William Ayers) that they petitioned President Obama to refuse to recognize the Confederate Soldiers Memorial in Arlington Cemetery, claiming to do so would, "imply that the humanity of Africans and African-Americans is of no significance" (see story today at MSNBC). This group complained that confederates and neo-confederates, through the monument, deny that slavery was the cause of war (which it was NOT) and that it upholds Confederates as heroes (which if fighting for one's own country makes you a hero than they were heroes). To his credit, Obama sent wreaths to the Confederate and African-American memorials. Why are there always those who want to rewrite our history? It really frightens me as to what the children of the next generation will be taught concerning the history of this nation if these revisionists are allowed to have their way.
It was not until WWI that Memorial Day became unified into a single day recognizing those who died in all wars. It was during this war that one of the most memoriable wartime poems was written by the Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
We are the dead. Short days ago
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
We cherish too, the Poppy red
She started the tradition of wearing a poppy on Memorial Day and sold poppies to friends and family using the money to benefit servicemen in need. So we all need to pause today and reflect, appreciate, and honor those who paid the ultimate price for this country whether we agreed with the reasons for the wars they fought in or not, these men and women did their duty and gave their lives for us. Let us not forget their sacrifice.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Red Sox in Arkansas?


Crawdad Castles/Chimneys


Nest after snake
When my next door neighbor held up a 5' black chicken snake she had just killed in our adjoining backyards, I feared the worst and I was right. The nest in my shed that was full of eggs is now empty. Well, that is how nature works. The same type of snake had gotten into my parents garage the day before. Dad took a swing at it with a hoe only to leave it mad and bleeding. It crawled up into their Impala and they haven't seen it since; of course, they left the car outside that night so I imagine it crawled off into the night. While these guys are not poisonous, they will make you hurt yourself. I can remember going out the backdoor one day only to look to my right which put me eye to eye with a chicken snake that had climbed up the brick wall. Needless to say, I fell backwards into the house trying to escape. As a kid collecting eggs (one of my daily chores), I can remember reaching in to a nest only to get a handful of snake! From that day on, I always looked before I reached into the chicken nests.
2009 Arkansas Federal Executive Association Employee of the Year Award

Monday, May 18, 2009
A Good Day

Baby? Einstien
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Blackmail Pics
Yes, we have the goods on Brayden now and we will bide our time over the next 16 or 17 years waiting for just the right time and occasion in
which to blackmail Brayden with these most incriminating and embarrassing
photographs. Oh sure, today they are just adorable photographs, but what about
when the editor of the school year book request baby pictures of all their
graduating seniors to include in the yearbook. What about then? You better be
saving up Brayden, those pictures will be very expensive.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Talking with Brayden
Missing Things
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Blast from the Past

Bird Flu strikes Florida Trailer Park.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Secret Hiding Places

Trouble Brewing in the Shrubs

New Blog
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Killdeer, the bird that named itself